Temecula Valley Genealogical Society
DNA Interest Group
Welcome to the DNA Group! With over a decade of active involvement, we've been keeping members at the forefront of genealogical DNA technology and research methodologies, continuously adapting to changes and advancements in the field. Our collaborative classes provide invaluable opportunities to navigate through genealogical brick walls and unravel the mysteries of familial connections.
Our frequent esteemed speaker Kathy Fernandes, leads classes to explore various methodologies to tackle challenges like unknown parentage and maximize success in leveraging cousin matches. Whether you're a novice or an experienced researcher in DNA analysis, our monthly classes offer something new for everyone. Visitors are welcome to join us anytime and explore the fascinating world of genetic genealogy.
TVGS DNA Group meets the second Friday of the month at the Ron H Roberts Library from 10am- noon.  Meetings are  hybrid, meaning we also provide them virtually thru Zoom and in-person. Check our Event Calendar for up-to-date meeting details. Contact Barbara Perez for infomation class  email Barbara Perez- barbgma9@yahoo.com. Hope to see you there.
If you are member of TVGS many of the DNA classes featuring Kathy Fernandes
are archived and available to watch in the Members Only section.
All classes are available on Zoom and in person.
for Zoom access contact tvgswebmaster@gmail.com
Additional DNA Information
Recomended reading: Blaine Bettenger - "The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy"
available to check out from the Temecula Public Library or purchase on Amazon.
Popular Websites Links
What is coming to the DNA Industry!     RootsTech 2024 interview with Diahan Southard

The Power of AncestryDNA with Crista Cowan  Video Webinar Here